They Are Strange, Anhinga

They Are Strange, Anhinga

Sorry, but not all babies are cute. These young Anhinga were even worse a week or so ago. Even now not all that pretty…

They Are Strange, Anhinga
They Are Strange, Anhinga

Here’s a creepy little Anhinga fact, when being fed by an adult they will push their head right down the parents throat… way down !

Like I said, strange birds.

4 thoughts on “They Are Strange, Anhinga”

  1. Hilarious and really quite gorgeous in their own way.. unusual colours! Is it unusual to have 4 chicks survive to this age?

    1. Good question, I’m not sure but Anhinga have big broods. Most around here have 3 chicks.

      This year the fatality rate seems to be down on all the birds, but there are less nests too I think.

  2. They are not pretty but so adorable! And they are also very aggressive during feeding. I learned it today from you, Ted. And that is too sad.

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