And No One Noticed, Owl

And No One Noticed, Owl

One of my worse fears. I have an open view, and I hear people, loud, chatty, young people. I know the Owl is leaving now, heck I may.

And No One Noticed, Owl
And No One Noticed, Owl

A troop of teenage girls is lead down a trail that will wind down and around where I am. Tourist season, amazing how they show up where you least expect.

They all go by, not a glance, heads buried deep in their cell phones!

The owl and I exchange a glance and I swear he seems to shake his head in wonder.

Another ‘You can’t make this stuff up’ moment.


6 thoughts on “And No One Noticed, Owl”

  1. What a beauty! I know what you mean about folk with their heads down buried in their smart phones. They are missing so much beauty in the ‘real’ world.

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