A Wannabe Alligator

A Wannabe Alligator

One of the ‘smaller’ locals.

A Wannabe Alligator
A Wannabe Alligator

While not very big they can jump twice as far as you might think.

A Wannabe Alligator
A Wannabe Alligator

Green Anole lizards are common, like watch where you sit common.

A Wannabe Alligator
A Wannabe Alligator

When people first come here they are shocked to see them run around. After a short time you learn to ignore them.

They out number us. The best to hope for is keeping them out of the house.

So far so good.

But I fear it’s inevitable.

4 thoughts on “A Wannabe Alligator”

    1. Actually harmless. There are a few other types that are just not pleasant looking (squirmy sqwiggly things) but Anole just walk, and hop, all around eating bugs.

      We will even comment if none are seen for a few days. We have a screened in porch where we have coffee, eat dinner, even watch TV, that we share with a few. Odd but that’s the way it is down here…another world in ways from what I grow up with in the cold north.

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