In The Lettuce

In The Lettuce

Water Lettuce, yes it’s a thing.

This plant is probably the biggest difference between swamps in the Lowcountry and Florida swamps. It’s an invasive plant thought to have come from South America.

In The Lettuce
In The Lettuce

The leaves are thick and heavy, anything can hide in full size plants.

In The Lettuce
In The Lettuce

Snakes can crawl over the water rather than swim.

In The Lettuce
In The Lettuce

Above shows an Alligator reaching out with a claw to move across the lettuce.

In The Lettuce
In The Lettuce

The lettuce appears to cover over all the Duck Weed, which is what we have most of in the Lowcountry.

Either plant covers the surface so animals are effectively hidden in both environments.

In The Lettuce
In The Lettuce


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