Creating Shade, Egret

Creating Shade, Egret

All the big wading birds have their own methods for hunting. The Reddish Egret one of the most dramatic.

Creating Shade, Egret
Creating Shade, Egret

The Egret above ran through the shallows, wings held high and wide.

This throws a shadow, shade, over the water allowing the bird to better spot prey.

7 thoughts on “Creating Shade, Egret”

    1. Thanks so much, and you too stay safe.

      BTW, the Reddish Egret are a bird most people don’t know of. Has one of the smallest habitats in the US, and very endangered. They only live on the ocean shore line of Florida, Louisiana, and parts of Texas.

    2. I did not know that but they are incredibly beautifully. You must be thrilled you were able to get such a magnificent shot of this beauty. Gorgeous work Ted. Take good care. Hugs 💕Joni

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