He Was Kind To Me, Owl

He Was Kind To Me, Owl

I had given up on getting any kind of shot. I left him to hide, walked away, and had my phone out to text Ellen.

He Was Kind To Me, Owl
He Was Kind To Me, Owl

I caught his movement from the corner of my eye.

He Was Kind To Me, Owl
He Was Kind To Me, Owl

The Owl flew to probably the only open spot, between branches, for me to capture anything.

He Was Kind To Me, Owl
He Was Kind To Me, Owl
He Was Kind To Me, Owl
He Was Kind To Me, Owl

Grabbed these and continued on.

Note; from this angle you can see the shape of an old white bridge. This skirts the edge of the swamp pond and is a path that some visitors to the plantation walk. Rarely do visitors notice any activity here. At times Owls sit and watch as a tourist goes by. Owls make no sound with their wings and can slip by a visitor who has no idea what just happened.

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