Crashing The Party, Spoonbill

Crashing The Party, Spoonbill Series

I assume the Pelican were there first, that didn’t stop everyone else from grabbing a spot. There also were Egrets, Storks, and of Spoonbills.

Crashing The Party, Spoonbill
Crashing The Party, Spoonbill

Above a Spoonbill made a grand entrance, and a crash landing.

Crashing The Party, Spoonbill
Crashing The Party, Spoonbill
Crashing The Party, Spoonbill
Crashing The Party, Spoonbill

A second one came in (I missed noticing it at the time).

Crashing The Party, Spoonbill
Crashing The Party, Spoonbill
Crashing The Party, Spoonbill
Crashing The Party, Spoonbill

They found a spot in the middle and grabbed it.

Crashing The Party, Spoonbill
Crashing The Party, Spoonbill

The party crashing went on for a long time. A few left, but many more crashed into the center.

After I realized the flight path I moved back down the marsh to an opening. From there I could get flight shots coming and going.

This is what I describe as a ‘good morning’.

ACE Basin, South Carolina.

6 thoughts on “Crashing The Party, Spoonbill Series”

    1. Thanks so much. When they do that with sun behind them to images are incredible. I have a number of other photographs like that from the last week or so to work on. But, I can’t stop going out to shoot this time of year. 😂😂

    1. Protection. Large groups of birds confuse predators. Like when an Eagle flies over a flock of ducks they all fly in a tight group. The Eagle doesn’t know which to pick out. I watched it happen several times this morning. Eagles were flying low over various types of birds, each time they flew as a group and the Eagle was unsuccessful.

      Of course it doesn’t work with Alligators LOL

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