Wow - He Ate It, Brown Pelican

Wow – He Ate It, Brown Pelican

I love Pelicans, always have since I was little. Given a chance to photograph one paddling over nearby was not going to be missed.

Wow - He Ate It, Brown Pelican
Wow – He Ate It, Brown Pelican

Next he surprised me. He came over to dig down into the bottom. You can see some type of old barnacle covered structure next to us.

Wow - He Ate It, Brown Pelican
Wow – He Ate It, Brown Pelican
Wow - He Ate It, Brown Pelican
Wow – He Ate It, Brown Pelican

Above he raised his head… and had a ‘mouthful’ of stuff. Barnacles, oysters, who knows.

Wow - He Ate It, Brown Pelican
Wow – He Ate It, Brown Pelican
Wow - He Ate It, Brown Pelican
Wow – He Ate It, Brown Pelican

Whatever he grabbed was filling up that pouch.

Wow - He Ate It, Brown Pelican
Wow – He Ate It, Brown Pelican

He worked it, then it was gone. Watched me the whole time too.

Always fun doing this 😁.

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