Tag Archives: birds

Heron Free Falling, A Leap Of Faith

I love their ‘leap of faith’ when they take flight. At times I will find a spot and wait for this type of series. Some I get, some I miss. Catching the first part of a flight is incredible to watch.

Free Falling, Heron
Free Falling, Heron

Below is a series of  sequential images of the ‘leap’. Oh, under this nest is swamp and Alligators.

Click any image for full size, the bird’s concentration is amazing.

This is faith, jump off the high nest into the air, knowing you will not hit the water and danger below.

Gotta love it !

Whistling Duck, Black-bellied

This was a duck I never knew existed until we found them last year. They were in this same wildlife area.

They are year round residents along the Lowcountry coast, Florida, Texas, and Louisiana. The range is extending north, but based on their breeding habits it might take sometime. The ducklings are raised on the open marshes here, we see them in the open often. We have a lot of Eagles and other large raptors here. Obviously some make it to adulthood, but I don’t know how.

Whistling Duck
Whistling Duck

This duck found an old Wood Duck nesting box in a swamp. A second Whistler was near so they might be nesting here.

Oh yeah, they don’t quack, they whistle.

Click any image for full size.