Tag Archives: wildlife

Curious Owlet

Young Barred Owl, just learning to fly. And curious about that thing down below staring up at him.

Curious Owlet - click to enlarge
Curious Owlet – click to enlarge

I had not planned on publishing this, but while not great it is a fledgling Owl staring down at the human thing.

Two minutes later we were both getting soaked in the rain and scrambling to find a dry spot.


Little Blue Heron, In Purple

So far the Little Blues are not cooperating. The usual smaller bird rookery has no residents. They look to have moved into a bigger, and isolated, swamp island rookery.

Little Blue Heron, In Purple - click to enlarge
Little Blue Heron, In Purple – click to enlarge

Sooner or later they will need to move around, even if just for hunting.

Little Blue Heron, In Purple - click to enlarge
Little Blue Heron, In Purple – click to enlarge
Little Blue Heron, In Purple - click to enlarge
Little Blue Heron, In Purple – click to enlarge

For now the best I can do is catch them long distance.


Posing Barred Owl

Shot at the Center For Birds Of Prey, Charleston. Look closely and you may see a radio transmitter. He is allowed to fly even though unable to care for himself.

I have had this photograph for about a month, but today I was inspired to publish it.

You see, I was in a dense swamp and found a young Barred Owl that had just learned to fly. And… rain, dark dense swamp, really, really, dull photos. Nothing to publish.

Posing Barred Owl - click to enlarge
Posing Barred Owl – click to enlarge

But I did see a young fuzzy owlet testing his new skills.

Adult Great Egret

Three images of an Egret as she arrived in a rookery. They must fly in fast, bank and turn, to land on their own cypress. Acrobatics are required.

Adult Great Egret - click to enlarge
Adult Great Egret – click to enlarge
Adult Great Egret - click to enlarge
Adult Great Egret – click to enlarge
Adult Great Egret - click to enlarge
Adult Great Egret – click to enlarge

This time of year it is getting more difficult to catch these shots. It’s not a good idea to stand in the water so we are surrounded by tree limbs and the dreaded hanging Spanish Moss.

Spanish Moss is the iconic beauty, swinging in the breeze. Until you try to photograph around it. it is a wispy nothingness and always floats around your lens (or head).