Practice Landing, Brown Pelican

Practice Landing, Brown Pelican

I had the perfect vantage point for these photographs, eye level with the bird. Of course I was in a boat.

It’s not very often you can get a shot of a Pelican just as they drop down into the water as they land.

Practice Landing, Brown Pelican
Practice Landing, Brown Pelican

This bird had his legs out and braced for a soft landing.

Practice Landing, Brown Pelican
Practice Landing, Brown Pelican

Above he pulled his wings back slowing his decent. Amazing how they are so acrobatic.

Practice Landing, Brown Pelican
Practice Landing, Brown Pelican

Just as amazing is how fast things can go completely wrong.

Note; in the last photograph you can see the Pelican has turned his head. This is how they catch fish if not crashing down from on high. He was most likely reaching out at something. However… my ending above I like better.

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