Cleaning House, Carolina Chickadee

Cleaning House, Carolina Chickadee

At first I couldn’t figure out what was causing all the ‘dust’ in the air.

Cleaning House, Carolina Chickadee
Cleaning House, Carolina Chickadee

Turns out two Chickadee were taking turns pulling out old saw dust from this hole. Likely a Woodpecker nest from last year.

Cleaning House, Carolina Chickadee
Cleaning House, Carolina Chickadee

A perfect nest spot. The dead tree is in a swamp, completely surrounded by water. Predators will have a hard time getting to it.

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10 thoughts on “Cleaning House, Carolina Chickadee”

  1. Last season I watched a Chickadee pair and a Downy Woodpecker cleaning out a similar nest cavity over a few day period. I was curious who would win the battle for occupancy, but in the end neither species used it to nest. William

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