He Had A Plan, Alligator

He Had A Plan, Alligator

While standing on the truck (water gate) of this dike one of the locals slowly floated towards shore.

He Had A Plan, Alligator
He Had A Plan, Alligator

He was not in a hurry but did have some kind of idea. I assumed there were fish around the water flow.

He Had A Plan, Alligator
He Had A Plan, Alligator

Above you can see he moved off to the side, and was closer. What he really wanted to was to climb up over the dike. There is another marsh on the other side. The edges of trunks are always worn paths the Alligator use to climb up and out.

He stayed right there until I moved off. I never did see but I bet as soon as I was out of sight he was up and over.

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