Now She Is Really Mad

Now She Is Really Mad

After being driven away a few times the young fool came back for more. (if you have not seen the previous articles links are included at the end).

Now She Is Really Mad
Now She Is Really Mad

The nesting female is the Heron in the back of this shot. It’s taken from a different angle. You can see her standing to confront the new comer…again.

Now She Is Really Mad
Now She Is Really Mad

This time she must have hurt more than his feelings. He backed up quick and bailed out into the air. The female was still following him.

Now She Is Really Mad
Now She Is Really Mad

Birds show expression with wings, posturing, and feathers. Above everything says this is one very angry Great Blue.

Now She Is Really Mad
Now She Is Really Mad

It’s obvious she has had enough of the fool. The uninvited male kept flying this time. I watched him move to the far end of the rookery and land in a large island.

There has been more confrontations, different nests and trees, it may or may not have been the fool. But this happens all the time.


The first encounter…  click here.

The second encounter… click here

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