Dolphins Hunting

Dolphins Hunting

I think these photographs were shot of the first strand fishing we  found recently. Well, the first close stranding. Far up the shore I noticed multiple hunts. At the time my fear was all the action would be up there.

In a short while I saw them quickly heading to us. However, what I did not see was a concentrated effort to circle around the schools of fish. Usually that is the sign a stranding is happening. They confuse and panic them before a push to shore. It also gives me a chance to position myself.

Never happened this day, in any hunt.

Dolphins Hunting
Dolphins Hunting

My only warning two Dolphin were finishing a hunt was the surfacing and fast push to shore.

Dolphins Hunting
Dolphins Hunting
Dolphins Hunting
Dolphins Hunting

I was too close for the long lens, and to the Dolphin.

Dolphins Hunting
Dolphins Hunting

It worked out since there were only two on the strand. Distance is important for the comfort on the Dolphin.

Dolphins Hunting
Dolphins Hunting

These two grabbed a few fish and rolled back off the sand.

Kiawah River inlet, South Carolina.

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