Pelican Neck Twisting, And It Doesn't Even Hurt.

Pelican Neck Twisting, And It Doesn’t Even Hurt.

I have seen them do all kinds of gymnastics, still it doesn’t get old.

Pelican Neck Twisting, And It Doesn't Even Hurt.
Pelican Neck Twisting, And It Doesn’t Even Hurt.

This young bird looked to be almost exercising.

Pelican Neck Twisting, And It Doesn't Even Hurt.
Pelican Neck Twisting, And It Doesn’t Even Hurt.

They do practice this as juveniles. Some fly up a few feet and drop down head tilted sideways. They dive from big heights when fishing and this is learning how to do it.

Pelican Neck Twisting, And It Doesn't Even Hurt.
Pelican Neck Twisting, And It Doesn’t Even Hurt.

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