Tag Archives: Bird Photography

Spoonbill Disagreement

Even Roseate Spoonbills have bad days. In this case an adult decided to grab hold of a juvenile by the leg. I’ve seen this before and I guess this is how they ‘argue’.

Spoonbill Disagreement
Spoonbill Disagreement

The older one had a good hold on the young one too.

Spoonbill Disagreement
Spoonbill Disagreement

As expected Jr. wailed a bit, flapped around, and took the hint.

Spoonbill Disagreement
Spoonbill Disagreement

Time to move on.

This is a rookery where the rules are a little different for a few months.


The Dance Master, Reddish Egret

Over the years I have referred to the Reddish Egrets as the best in dance, and drama. Tricolors and Snowy do have some moves, but nothing like the Reddish routines.

A dawn dance by a Reddish… (best viewed large)

The Dance Master, Reddish Egret
The Dance Master, Reddish Egret
Reddish Egret, Dawn
Reddish Egret, Dawn

They have many routines to shade the water with their wings and skip / run to scare up small fish. The true masters.


Blue-winged Teals

These are the ducks we see most often, Blue-wings.

The most common, Mallards, stay away from the marshes and swamps. I call them ‘city ducks’ but I’m sure there’s more to it.

The first is a female.

Blue-winged Teals
Blue-winged Teals

Now a male. They are usually a little more colorful on the wings and head however this bird was molting.

Blue-winged Teals
Blue-winged Teals