Aliens Are Here

The Aliens Have Arrived

I’ve discovered some upsetting news.

While the attention was centered at the US Government Area 51, rumored to hold alien space ships, they really slipped into South Carolina unnoticed.

Aliens Are Here
Aliens Are Here

They are here now.

Aliens Are Here
Aliens Are Here

The beings have a fondness for tall pines. They have been seen clinging tightly to our beloved trees. We fear the results.

Aliens Are Here
Aliens Are Here
Aliens Are Here
Aliens Are Here

A quick scouting expedition shows we may be considerably out numbered.

Aliens Are Here
Aliens Are Here

Our only escape may be the cold climate in the north.

But for how long…

Note; I could be wrong and the may be Cicadas, click here for details.



6 thoughts on “The Aliens Have Arrived”

  1. When I look at this alien, I miss the wings of the cicadas, but I am not an expert. Not with cicadas and certainly not with aliens. Nevertheless, I hope your wrong😬

    1. LOL. A Cicada in the first stage of it’s life has no wings. This is the shell they climb out of…with wings to reach adulthood. Some live underground for 7 years. I am not sure if any were still inside the shell here. The split open back was not obvious.

    2. Thank you Ted. So this is not the full grown insect but the exuviae. I am familiar with these life processes with dragonflies but was not aware the same happens with cicada. With the exuviae of a dragonfly one clearly remarks the split open shell between the head and the body.

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