Changed His Mind, Egret

Changed His Mind, Egret

I was following the Egret, shooting wide to maybe get some type of in flight series. Not knowing if it would be any good or not. Yet, I’m in a marsh and they’re flying by…and it’s digital.

Changed His Mind, Egret
Changed His Mind, Egret

The Great Egret was coming in to land in a tree filled with Cormorants. Not many high up places to sit here so nothing unusual.

Except he suddenly veered off, changed his mind.

Changed His Mind, Egret
Changed His Mind, Egret

At the time I didn’t know why the almost crash and sudden burst of speed.

Changed His Mind, Egret
Changed His Mind, Egret
Changed His Mind, Egret
Changed His Mind, Egret

Now I do.

Look close in these photographs and you can see a hidden Cormorant, beak wide open and angry.

Changed His Mind, Egret
Changed His Mind, Egret

The Egret must not have seen him and almost landed on a sleeping Cormorant.

Every big bird out here is a predator. On a good day they tolerate each other, but don’t push it or there’s trouble.

2 thoughts on “Changed His Mind, Egret”

  1. It’s the best part when you shoot not knowing would it be good or not and then you get great photos. It sometimes also happens to me . These are spectacular moments, Ted!!!

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