Category Archives: Alligator

Having A Hard Year, Egrets

Last year was great for the Egrets, this year not so much.

As soon as the get comfortable some other birds drive them away. This time it was a persistent Great Blue Heron, much larger enemy.

Having A Hard Year, Egrets
Having A Hard Year, Egrets

These Great Egrets finally just ran from the Heron and landed in the shallow water. Next to an Alligator. Lucky he never notices, or cared.

Note; sunset glare here, but the story and scene is interesting so I published it.

Spoonbill, Stilt, And The Alligators

This photograph is a good example of what happens when marsh water is low. The short version is, everybody is crowded together.

Some other nearby marsh ponds and rice fields have water but food is easier here. A trade off considering the other occupants.

Spoonbill, Stilt, And The Alligators
Spoonbill, Stilt, And The Alligators

Above has a Roseate Spoonbill, Black-necked Stilt, and of course the local Alligators.

A Watering Hole, Alligator

As I work through these photographs I am amazed at how many large Alligators managed to congregate in one marsh. I am starting to see the hierarchy here though.

No small Alligators were on this side of the dike. Plenty were in the other marshes, which also had more water. They stayed on the other side.

A Watering Hole, Alligator
A Watering Hole, Alligator

The area above, where the animals are, is under water most months of the year. It is a small island and rookery for Night Herons.

Right now there isn’t a Night Heron anywhere near this spot. Wonder why.

A Watering Hole, Alligator
A Watering Hole, Alligator


A Walk On The Wild Side, Spoonbill, Alligator

So, what happens when the water in a wild marsh slowly shrinks.


A Walk On The Wild Side, Spoonbill, Alligator
A Walk On The Wild Side, Spoonbill, Alligator

Evertbody gets a little closer, sometimes very close. Here we have, gators, Spoonbill, and photographer.

A Walk On The Wild Side, Spoonbill, Alligator
A Walk On The Wild Side, Spoonbill, Alligator

It’s not always a good thing, but it is so very fascinating !

A Walk On The Wild Side, Spoonbill, Alligator
A Walk On The Wild Side, Spoonbill, Alligator

There is always one eye on the prize, one on what else is going on around you. Again here, we all paid attention.

A Walk On The Wild Side, Spoonbill, Alligator
A Walk On The Wild Side, Spoonbill, Alligator

A watering hole.


A Watering Hole, New Article Category

I have been considering different, and new ways to publish and present my work. Over time the size and scope of the photography  is getting overwhelming.

This web site alone has over 5,300 pages, a guess would be bare minimum of 15,000 photographs. And, we are involved with others. I just flipped over to the next set of drives, did the archive stuff, and ‘almost’ counted images per drive.

A Watering Hole, New Article Category
A Watering Hole, New Article Category

I am just adding a new category, ‘A Watering Hole’.

In a week none of us will even care anyway…





Away From The Crowds, Alligator

He was trying to keep away from everyone, me included.

Away From The Crowds, Alligator
Away From The Crowds, Alligator

Low spring waters and warmer weather has all the locals out getting the sun. It actually gets crowded in the best spots.

Away From The Crowds, Alligator
Away From The Crowds, Alligator

This one opted for a sun patch closer to a dike road, but less competition.

Besides this is one of the smaller Alligators over here. So he has less problems when alone.

Away From The Crowds, Alligator
Away From The Crowds, Alligator

Of course there are others that feel the same way about crowds looking to steal his spot.