Tag Archives: Bird Photography

Female Common Gallinule, Juvenile

Probably the most common bird in the marshes, from the US to South America.

These birds have the most annoying habit of hiding until you  are almost right on top of them, then running across the top of the water… screaming !!! Scares you half to death and lets every other animal know exactly where you are.

Female Gallinule, Juvenile
Female Gallinule, Juvenile
Female Gallinule, Juvenile
Female Gallinule, Juvenile

Gallinules don’t have web feet, they have huge flat toes toes for easy walking in mud, and running quickly over the top of swamp vegetation. When flapping their wings it’s about the same thing as walking on water… while screaming.

Female Gallinule, Juvenile
Female Gallinule, Juvenile


Little Blue In The Morning

We pass this way when going out to the local marshes. It is the front field of an old plantation.

This particular morning a Little Blue Heron was looking around in the canals and ponds before any tourist arrive.

Little Blue In The Morning
Little Blue In The Morning

This was a day I missed half my shots due to lens fog.

Magnolia Plantation, Charleston.

A Group Pose, Storks & Spoonbills

Some of everybody in this shot, and the reflections gave it depth. This group had bunched up and were standing around ‘poking and picking’.

A Group Pose, Storks & Spoonbills
A Group Pose, Storks & Spoonbills

Besides the main players here there are also 2 Glossy Ibis in the background, a Snowy Egret strolling around, Great Egret, and what maybe a Little Blue Heron way in the back.

You don’t get these opportunities often.

ACE Basin, South Carolina.

Watching The Watchers, Storks

Shot from a dike as these birds were resting in a marsh.

Watching The Watchers, Storks
Watching The Watchers, Storks

Besides the big Wood Storks, a Glossy Ibis is feeding in the background, and there is a ‘pink butt’ of a Spoonbill if you look closely.

BTW, all the white spots seen on the waters surface, that’s feathers. When you get large flocks of wading birds you also get many feathers. Birds pluck and preen all day long. A few hundred 5 foot (1.5 meters) white birds can make a lot of floating stuff.

Grackle In The Tall Grass

Most marshes keep dikes semi-mowed. In many cases the only way to get from one dike to another is walk/RTV on the top. The sides just grow all year long. Unless there is a trunk for water flow it can be like a tunnel.

Grackle In The Tall Grass
Grackle In The Tall Grass

Small birds (here a Grackle) and Dragonfly’s love to perch on the sides.

Unfortunately there can be a dozen Storks right on the other side and it’s impossible to get a photograph.

Bear Island, South Carolina.