Tag Archives: Bird Photography

Casual Dining, White Pelican

As I changed focused over to this Pelican he suddenly dipped down to feed.

Casual Dining, White Pelican
Casual Dining, White Pelican
Casual Dining, White Pelican
Casual Dining, White Pelican

A small splash, but not anything dramatic.

Casual Dining, White Pelican
Casual Dining, White Pelican

The result, a small reward, actually looking very small for a bird this size.

When we have larger numbers of birds I tend to bounce my attention between individuals and groups. At times like this I catch something just as it happens…other times I’m turning away just as it happens.

No matter, it’s still very cool to just be here at all.

Working The Rookery, Great Blue Heron

This swamp rookery has become busy with Herons getting ready to start nesting. Some are even repairing old nests.

Most are males flying around showing off.

Working The Rookery, Great Blue Heron
Working The Rookery, Great Blue Heron
Working The Rookery, Great Blue Heron
Working The Rookery, Great Blue Heron

Winter is here with damp dark days but these guys are thinking spring.

Working The Rookery, Great Blue Heron
Working The Rookery, Great Blue Heron
Working The Rookery, Great Blue Heron
Working The Rookery, Great Blue Heron


Very Pushy Great Egret

He was coming for a spot and it didn’t matter who else was there.

Very Pushy Great Egret
Very Pushy Great Egret

Both a young Night Heron and Anhinga were already there, and not too happy.

Very Pushy Great Egret
Very Pushy Great Egret

A juvenile Night Heron already knew standing up to a big Egret was not a good idea. He dropped down and took off.

Very Pushy Great Egret
Very Pushy Great Egret
Very Pushy Great Egret
Very Pushy Great Egret

The female Anhinga was not leaving.

A Great Egret is another bird that knows when it’s best not to start trouble. Anhinga’s are not to be taken lightly.