Charleston Church Yard

Charleston Church Yard

The First (Scots) Presbyterian Church graveyard. Established in 1731 when members left the Circular Church just down a little on Meeting Street, Charleston.

Charleston Church Yard
Charleston Church Yard

The wall is a lined with old headstones and monuments.

The building behind was the home of Nathaniel Russel and the graveyard can be seen through the inside windows (click here).

The photograph was first monochrome and then finished using DxO software filters to simulate old film.

2 thoughts on “Charleston Church Yard”

    1. It started out a simple overexposed monochrome shot. I wanted the left side, with the sun, to be blown out. I have a lot of film simulator filters, and some antique shading filters. Not even sure I could do this again…didn’t keep any notes LOL

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