Egret In The Low Branches

At the time this was shot up above there was a lot of fighting and pushing for territory. A few branches down this Great Egret was looking for a peaceful spot to rest.

Egret In The Low Branches
Egret In The Low Branches

While these birds sit near the water like this I have seen it go bad for them on a rare occasion.

Egret In The Low Branches
Egret In The Low Branches

I’m not sure I would hang around here.

Egret In The Low Branches
Egret In The Low Branches

Above A Watering Hole, Bald Eagle

Most the photographs lately in a watering hole have been down at my level. There is always a lot happening when all the animals are in a crowd.

Above A Watering Hole, Bald Eagle
Above A Watering Hole, Bald Eagle

While they are all pushing and feeding predators are watching for any opportunity.

If an Eagle is really hungry even the big birds can be targets. Surprising at this time none of the small shore birds panicked while this Eagle circled around.

Above A Watering Hole, Bald Eagle
Above A Watering Hole, Bald Eagle



Country Cabin, A Tent

The ‘tent’ camp meetings were started when a traveling preacher did the ‘riding circuits’ of the small southern communities.

The campgrounds began in the late 1700’s. Several still exist, and have camp meetings.

Country Cabin, A Tent
Country Cabin, A Tent

Meetings are held here mid September each year as they have for several hundred years.

This was our second visit to this camp and we were able to get even more detailed information. It is quite an experience to wander and photograph living history.

Little Blue In Wetlands

This Heron was working the edge of a swamp. Shallow water, probably just enough to have this weed grow.

Little Blue In Wetlands
Little Blue In Wetlands

A few have been around however no sign of any interest in nesting. This bird is only barely showing some of the usual bright colors.

Little Blue In Wetlands
Little Blue In Wetlands

If a few more show up maybe some may move out to the bigger swamp island. The little rookery would still be empty but at least it’s a start.

The Sound Of Bats Hitting, Storks

The sound was like heavy wooden sticks, spindles maybe, hitting each other. Obviously it wasn’t we were in a wildlife management area.

The Sound Of Bats Hitting, Storks
The Sound Of Bats Hitting, Storks

The Wood Storks were snapping and grabbing each other. That’s something you don’t see every day. They were also doing their own version of the ‘squawk’.

The Sound Of Bats Hitting, Storks
The Sound Of Bats Hitting, Storks

These photographs also show how tall the storks are. These are Snowy Egrets all around them.

The Sound Of Bats Hitting, Storks
The Sound Of Bats Hitting, Storks

They also bumped into a Great Egret that kept his cool, he walked by doing his best to ignore the threat.

The Sound Of Bats Hitting, Storks
The Sound Of Bats Hitting, Storks

He pushed right by, but if look you will see him keeping a close eye on these bigger Storks.

TPJ Photography