Tag Archives: Nature

You Go First, No You Go First

You can almost hear the conversation.

It could have been…’I dare you. I double dare you’.

You Go First, No You Go First
You Go First, No You Go First

They both watched the Alligator for a long time.

Finally they walked around him, one at a time. Seems like a short flight might have worked better, just sayin.


Great Blue Heron, Moving To A Thick Marsh

The photographs here were shot through some woodlands. Pretty much an open spot that was there, where the bird landed, by luck.

Great Blue Heron, Moving To A Thick Marsh
Great Blue Heron, Moving To A Thick Marsh

I noticed the Heron heading in the same direction I was going but didn’t think I would get any type of shot. The landing spot is on the side of a narrow marsh canal. I was in the woods.

Great Blue Heron, Moving To A Thick Marsh
Great Blue Heron, Moving To A Thick Marsh

Things work out some times. This was an open area for me, between trees on either side. A few feet either way and I would not have even lift the camera.

Great Blue Heron, Moving To A Thick Marsh
Great Blue Heron, Moving To A Thick Marsh
Great Blue Heron, Moving To A Thick Marsh
Great Blue Heron, Moving To A Thick Marsh

Heron had been chasing each other up and down the canal so I was not surprised. The last few days they have been protecting territory more than usual.

While I only caught a few shots the landing was a nice easy one with plenty of open wings.


It’s On You, Egret

Ellen, my wife and also a photographer, summed things up clearly.

‘If you didn’t get good shots the last few days it’s all on you’.

It's On You, Egret
It’s On You, Egret

We have been out as the weather warmed up for a spell. Everything becomes much more active, and we shoot where wildlife is everywhere. This meant literally thousands of opportunities, and very tired arms and shoulders from heavy gear.

It's On You, Egret
It’s On You, Egret

I’m (almost) hoping for a slight cooling so I can catch up.

Snowy Egret at the Ashley River, Charleston, South Carolina.

Pelican, How it’s Done

So, when a Pelican grabs a fish a whole bunch of water comes with it. And this is how he eats a fish.

Pelican, How it's Done
Pelican, How it’s Done

The water is sent flying. Not pretty but effective.

Pelican, How it's Done
Pelican, How it’s Done
Pelican, How it's Done
Pelican, How it’s Done
Pelican, How it's Done
Pelican, How it’s Done

Above the Pelican finally eats his fish.

Late November the marshes start to fill with White Pelicans. On a good day you can wear out your arm and a few memory cards.

Photographed at the ACE Basin, South Carolina.